Heather Chauvin Coaching

Emotional Freedom Accelerator Workshop

“Heather is a magician. Her work is so brilliant. She helped me rise to be who I needed to be for the people who need me most.” - Cathy Heller

“Heather's work has CHANGED my life. Before working with her, I wanted to leave my corporate job and I felt hopeless. Now I feel SO GOOD, excited to start my day, I'm present with my children and my marriage has improved AND I didn't have to quit my job to get here.” - Deirdre 

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Order summary

Emotional Freedom Accelerator Workshop

Total due $997

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.

You have 7-days after purchase to get a full refund. No refunds are available on or after day 8. This is an investment in yourself and your family. We are unable to guarantee results and do not claim to have a 'magic pill'. We ask that if you want change to show up, ask questions, participate LIVE and take-action. You will see and feel results if you put in the work. 

Discover Card will not process under our payment processor (even though it shows above).  Use the 'PayPal' processor instead.

You do not have to have a PayPal account, choose the grey button that says "Pay with a credit or Visa Debt Card" 

Please contact us at support@heatherchauvin.com if you have a question or text us: 3137105199