Heather Chauvin Coaching

Teach Your Kid To Meditate


Teach Your Kid To Meditate Program Includes: 

  • Four modules: Cutting-edge holistic and self-awareness training. Helping you, help your child. 

  • Real life, proven techniques, and insight for your children that represent authentic self-expression. 

  • Turn-key guidance in taking all the guesswork out of how easy it is to incorporate meditation into your everyday lives and create the family life you desire.

  • Tried and true guided visualizations for attracting, inspiring and creating the confident children your friends will be drooling over.

  • A members-only area where you can go for support and digest the material in the comfort of your own home or even on the road (with mp3 audio’sand downloadable/print-off-able PDF workbook)


Aligned Workshop:

How you gain the clarity your soul craves, so you can become the party you want to be. 

Energetic Time Management: 

Design your day/week/month in alignment with how you want to feel (even if you work for someone else)


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Order summary

Teach Your Kid To Meditate

A 4-week program with a refreshing approach to negative behaviour - so you can stop yelling and become the parent you want to be.

Total due $497

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Rave Reviews: 

"My 6-year-old has gone from being physically aggressive to verbalizing his anger. I didn’t think that he was getting the meditation because he kept talking and fidgeting through the whole thing but he must have been listening and internalizing in his own way."

“My eyes were instantly opened to a whole new way of seeing things.”

“She understands the impact that burnout can have on families and knows how to help parents and children reconnect and rebuild relationships.”

“You find places in yourself, in your parenting, in your relationships that you NEVER EVER thought you even had.”

"I am much calmer. Did I mention I am yelling less???? I am meditating every day myself. I no longer feel rushed. I have changed my mindset to let things flow as much as I can. I am still learning." 

"The gift Heather give to the world is invaluable. Her passion to advocate for children, and those of us trying to teach them to become responsible human beings, can’t be matched. She is wise beyond her years and she shares that wisdom by living bravely with openness and authenticity. With Heather- what you see is what you get. She is the real deal. Her life experiences with her own children and her vulnerability in sharing make her a safe, strong guide on this scary journey of parenting. She gracefully points us toward The North Star, and winds along the path with us towards it."