Heather Chauvin Coaching LLC

Energetic Time Management

Who is this workshop perfect for?

Overwhelmed, ambitious women who are craving more peace and emotional freedom and who still want to manage it all (work, kids, health, household, relationships, etc..)

This workshop gives you the actionable steps you can(or need to) take to solve the problem of, “How can I do it all without feeling exhausted?”

What is the ETM Workshop?

ETM is a transformative and simple-to-implement process that will show you how to set up your week in alignment with how you want to feel.

No more go, go, go.

Get more done and feel accomplished at the end of the week.

When does it start?

This is a pre-recorded workshop that you can watch and implement as soon as you register.

Where does it take place?

Online. In the comfort of your own home.

Why did I create this workshop?

I created this process for myself and I still use it. After being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer also most five years ago, I realized my natural ambition wasn’t doing me any favors, so I had to figure out a way that I could FEEL like I was living my life and not just surviving it.

This was the #1 game changer.

No one teaches time management this way.

It’s the #1 training module that my clients use to transform how they live, work, play, and parent.

How does it work?

Once you’ve registered, you will be sent an email with your login information to access the workshop.

Watch the workshop (about 2 hours) and use the PDF’s and other resources to maximize the process.

Contact information

We'll send your receipt and other important info to this email.

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Understanding your childteen's behavior-3

Energetic Time Management

Total due $297

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"ETM has greatly reduced my stress and anxiety at the beginning of the week. I spend so much less time worrying and more time taking action. It's simple techniques that take minimal time and make a huge impact on your day to day life. Work smarter, not harder." Nicole Kata 

"Energetic time management has helped me feel in control of my time. I used to feel overwhelmed. I would often think of things I wanted to do but think that I didn't have time. Now, if it's important to me, I know how to make time for it. Also, a cool side-effect for me is this: instead of feeling like I don't know where the time has gone, I often look at the clock and it's actually earlier than I think it's going to be. This never happened to me before." Megan Loubert 

"I resisted ETM for a while after I learned about it. I didn't resonate with the concept until I actually started being intentional about scheduling activities that I knew will move me forward. It might sound simple but I'm so glad I worked through my resistance. This practice helped me get started with my business and changed the way I looked at my day, professionally and personally. So grateful for this!" Samia Mohtar 

"Energetic Time Management has been exactly what I've been looking for. Instead of managing my time, I look at how I WANT to feel, and what I NEED to feel that way throughout the day, and plan my activities around those criteria. It's given me much more freedom to say 'no, thank you' to things that don't fit with the way I want my day to flow, and 'yes, please' to caring more compassionately for myself, at times in the day that propel me toward my goals." Val C

"I was struggling trying to do it all, be a great manager along with being a great parent and there just wasn’t enough time in the day. I was impatient and losing my temper more than I wanted to. I resorted to threats more than discussions.I was stressed and anxious.I was physically exhausted.

I’m definitely less stressed. I’m taking one day at a time and trying to enjoy the moment vs. thinking about what’s next all the time. I’ve started working out and am less tired. This makes a huge difference in every part of my life." - Tracy Gallagher